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Booking August 2023
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Currently Accepting New Clients
Booking August 2023
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<1 Day
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Improved performance

We helped Bench switch to Webflow and launch 450+ new pages in less than 6 months

Access the complete step-by-step framework we have uniquely crafted to re-platform Bench from Contentful to Webflow and unlock their explosive growth.
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"The migration to Webflow Enterprise has already paid for itself: We can build high-intent pages so much faster and attract better clients to the business."

Corey Ferreira

Senior Growth Marketing Manager, Bench Accounting

From developer dependencies to marketing freedom

As businesses evolve, having a dynamic and efficient website is crucial. Bench faced challenges with their old platform, including slow loading times and limited control for their marketing team.

By migrating to Webflow, they achieved remarkable improvements: launching new pages in less than a day, adding 450+ new indexed pages in under six months, and improving their Google Lighthouse scores by 30%.

Watch our case study to see how Webflow transformed Bench’s web presence and boosted their marketing performance. Discover the full journey and insights in this detailed overview, showcasing the powerful impact of a well-executed website migration.

Access the complete step-by-step framework:
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<1 Day
To publish new pages
New pages in under 6 months
Improved site performance

Our Dedication to Webflow

Escape the inefficiencies of your current website process. Instead, leverage our proven frameworks & playbooks for guaranteed Webflow success.

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Webflow Enterprise Partner

Among an exclusive group of only 50 agencies worldwide, Shadow is positioned at the forefront of Webflow expertise.

Webflow Devotion Since 2020

Years of specialization ensures you're working with seasoned professionals who've grown alongside the platform.

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Exclusively Webflow & No Code

Webflow is our love language. We have built our entire team, process, and company around this one dedicated focus.

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Access Shadow Digital's
Webflow Migration Playbook


Scoping & Planning

Together, we will prepare a step-by-step project plan for your migration, including a personalized design system and component library.


Frontend Development

We guarantee a pixel-perfect, high-performing experience that gets tested on a variety of live devices, browsers, and operation systems.


Content Migration

Migration does not need to equal migraine – we do not only set up your new CMS, but also migrate over all existing content.



To keep things running smoothly, we integrate your new Webflow site with your current martech stack, incl. Hubspot, Salesforce, and more.


SEO Setup

To reduce the impact of the migration, all pages will be optimized for SEO along with detailed 301 redirects.



This new site is all yours – we enable your team with personalized resources such as 1:1 training, video lessons, and SOP library.


What is an Enterprise Migration?
Enterprise Migration refers to the process of moving a company's website and digital operations from one platform (like Wordpress) to another (like Webflow).
What is Dedicated Support?
Dedicated Support is how we partner with our clients after launching their new sites. Webflow does not require any maintenance, so instead we can focus on launching new campaigns & initiatives.
What is Webflow?
Webflow is a no-code platform that allows you to design, build, and launch websites visually, without writing code.
What does 'No Code' mean?
No Code' means creating digital products like websites or apps without the need for programming knowledge.
How does Webflow development work?
With Webflow, you visually design your website, adding elements and setting styles directly. It eliminates the need for coding but maintains flexibility.
How can I learn to use Webflow?
We offer comprehensive guides, resources, and support to help you master Webflow, whether you're a beginner or an experienced user.
Can Webflow integrate with my current systems?
Yes, Webflow offers integrations with many popular tools and services, and we assist in ensuring a smooth transition.
Is Webflow secure?
Absolutely, Webflow hosts websites with enterprise-grade reliability, providing automatic backups, SSL, and constant threat monitoring.
Why should I switch from Wordpress to Webflow?
Webflow offers a more streamlined, visually driven design process, improving efficiency, performance, and security compared to Wordpress.
How long does a typical Enterprise Migration take?
The timeline varies based on the complexity of your site, but typical migrations can be completed within 60-90 days.